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Readers of this website get access to a hot new finding on strategies for reducing global poverty before that article is officially published. My research team has recently published an article in the journal Sociology of Development on a forgotten strategy of economic growth, entitled “Why Economic Growth Stimulates More Growth in Some Countries Than in Others”. It is the lead article in the forthcoming Issue 4 of Volume 9 (Winter 2023). You can read it here before the official publication date with the link below.
This essay was a true team effort. Jose Morales, Madison Poe, Yilin Li and Bryson Bassett all helped make the article a reality. All four co-authors started the project while they were undergraduates at Texas A and M. Under the right circumstances, undergraduates can accomplish amazing things.
We are AGAINST the following cliches:
The secret of economic growth is developing high technology.
The secret of economic growth is creating excellence in exports.
Both cliches are true enough.
But focusing exclusively on those two items misses a lot of the bigger picture.
We discovered a major aspect of economic performance in which Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Australia and yes, the United States, outperforms Europe, and outperforms Japan.
These hidden assets allow Brazil, Argentina and South Africa to outperform other poor nations. They allow the United States to outperform other rich nations.
China is super-strong on one of the hidden assets. This allows them to economically clobber the rest of the world.
What are these assets?
See for yourself!
Click the following link for special access to the article:
Why Economic Growth Stimulates More Growth in Some Countries Rather than Others